The Space Race is A Joke At Our Expense

It’s time the billionaires start paying for their actions…literally.

Najwa Helyer
4 min readAug 2, 2021

The recent headlines of billionaires flying into space were filled with mixed emotions. I’m sure many, like myself, have had dreams of going into space before. I’m sure there are still plenty of children now who dream about space. To these kids, dream on that’s what we need on this planet.

What we don’t need, however, are a bunch of billionaires who have done nothing for climate change and are famous for the exploitation of their employees to live the lavish life that they do. I used to joke around when I was younger that we should eat the rich — now I think it’s a must.

The space race has been happening for a while now when it became apparent that you don’t have to be an astronaut to fly into space, just rich. After all, this is just a billionaire businessman.

With the pandemic raging on outside our doors and some countries have reopened their gates to allow people to live life outdoors, it hasn’t changed that the world is still trying to recover from the pandemic.

People facing eviction, shortage of food and climate crisis are still being ignored. So you can only imagine the idiocy of Bezos to sit on a stage and thank his employees and customers because they…

