The War on Vaccinations Have Begun

We were waiting for better days, but now people are just travelling and attending festivals…unvaccinated.

Najwa Helyer
4 min readAug 6, 2021
Photo by Mat Napo on Unsplash

The war on vaccinations have begun in my world and as I’ve seen on Twitter, it has for others too. For me, the pandemic has opened my eyes to a world that I’ve never seen before. My rose-tinted glasses came off and exposed some of my friends for who they really are. Have they always been like that or did the pandemic change them differently than it has changed me?

When the pandemic first struck, the world stood outside their homes clapping for the NHS and other frontline workers, urging everyone to stay home so that everyone could stay safe. The idea of community seemed so strong although the reality was families panic-buying food and toilet paper even though they had enough food at home and rinsing the shelves off for the people who need it most. But it’s easy to keep up appearances through social media, you only show what you want to be seen.

The pandemic taught me that if you’re passionate about something, you can make anything believable. So when conspiracy theories started to pass through my timeline as I’m sure it was on everyone else’s too, it was clear that false information was being spread quicker than facts. After all, we were all living in the same…

